The company is named after the Photonic Mixer Device (PMD) technology used in its products to detect 3D data in real time. The corporate headquarters of the company is located in Siegen, Germany. Institut für Pharmakologie, Universität Mainz, Obere Zahlbacher Str. 01/2013 until 09/2013 – Diplom thesis, Institute for inorganic and analytical chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Prof. Dr . Doctoral Training. Yvonne Kleinert liked a video 3 years ago 4:40 Die Hällische Botschaft - Metzgerei Kumpel&Keule in der Markthalle Neun in Berlin - Duration: 4 minutes, 40 seconds. TRP X2 Kleinert; TRP X3 Jurk; TRP X4 Jurk; TRP X5 Lackner; TRP X8 Schäfer; TRP X10 von Auer; TRP X11 Karbach; TRP X12 Wenzel; TRP X13 Bosmann; TRP X14 Reinhardt; TRP X17 Espinola-Klein; Clinical Studies. Nicolas H. Bings 01/2014 until 01/2018 – PhD student, University of Aberdeen, Vereinigtes Königreich, Department of Chemistry, Trace Element Speciation Laboratory Aberdeen (TESLA) UK, Dr. Eva Krupp and Prof. Dr. Jörg Feldmann PMD Technologies AG (stylised as pmdtechnologies) is a developer of CMOS semiconductor 3D time-of-flight (ToF) components and a provider of engineering support in the field of digital 3D imaging. Centrum für Thrombose und Hämostase (CTH) Sie sind hier: Startseite > Karriereförderung > Virchow Fellowship Programm>Startseite > Karriereförderung > Virchow Fellowship Programm> CVSS Cohort; FOCUS; FOCUS BioSeq; GHS; HoT-PE; ProsPECTUS; ThrombEVAL; VTEVAL; Publications; Career Development. 67, 55101 Mainz, Germany Search for more papers by this author Ulrich Förstermann Prof. Dr.