L'attrice Emma Watson ha inventato una nuova parola per esprimere l'orgoglio single: «Self-partnered», partner di me stessa. Emma Watson e il debole per i partner non famosi. The "Harry Potter" actress may have marked a cultural milestone earlier this week when she coined the phrase "self-partnered." While attending Oxford she was in a relationship with Will Adamowicz. E su twitter spopola l'hashtag da lei lanciato "singledom”. Emma Watson has said she prefers to call herself "self-partnered" rather than single as she approaches her 30th birthday. Her parents, Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson, divorced in 1995. Here's how to go from 'single' to 'self partnered… Emma Watson lo scorso novembre aveva lanciato un nuovo modo di dire per definire il suo stato sentimentale. Emma Watson has not been previously engaged. Celebrities like Emma Watson and Gwyneth Paltrow are re-framing traditionally negative relationship statuses and helping remove the stigma. Emma Watson is a member of the following lists: English female models, People from Paris and English film actors. In un’intervista con Vogue aveva detto di preferire le parole “partner di se stessa” a “single”.Questa definizione è subito rimbalzata sui social e sui giornali. They started dating in 2018. Emma Watson è l'eccezione che conferma la regola.

Emma Watson’s boyfriend is Brendan Wallace. Help us build our profile of Emma Watson! L'eroina di Harry Potter predilige partner che non lavorano nel mondo dello spettacolo o che almeno non sono famosi. Login to add information, pictures and relationships, join in discussions and get credit for your contributions. Dal finanziere al musicista: i suoi ex «sconosciuti» L’attrice il 25 ottobre è stata paparazzata a Londra mentre baciava un uomo «misterioso».

Earlier this week, Emma Watson shunned societal norms and announced that she was currently single but preferred the term 'self-partnered'. Her bizarre statement made headlines around the world, not least because it's incredibly reminiscent of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin's iconic 'conscious uncoupling' announcement from 2014. Emma had at least 17 relationship in the past. Emma Watson: Makes a very valid point about the absurd pressures placed on women with regards to expectations over family/partners and that being single is fine. Contribute.