Tony Shalhoub Actor - Filme si seriale cu Tony Shalhoub Filme noi si vechi cu Tony Shalhoub, Seriale noi si vechi cu Tony Shalhoub Weitere Ideen zu Berühmtheiten, Schöne menschen und Schöne hintern.

Monk 2002-2009 Former police detective Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub), whose photographic memory and amazing ability to piece together tiny clues made him a local legend, has suffered from intensified obsessive-compulsive disorder and a variety of phobias since … 03.03.2012 - Marion Brockmann hat diesen Pin entdeckt.

Tony Shalhoub (n.9 octombrie 1953) este un actor american, cel mai cunoscut pentru rolul său Adrian Monk din serialul de televiziune Monk și pentru rolul Antonio Scarpacci din serialul NBC Wings Tony v súčastnosti žije pokojný život so svojou manželkou, tiež herečkou Brooke Adamsovou, s ktorou je ženatý už od roku 1992. Movies starring Tony Shalhoub.

Tento rok si však zahrá v horore 1408 s Johnom Cusackom a Samuelom L. Jacksonom. Read reviews of Tony Shalhoub movies including: Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary, Rosy, Cars 3 29.08.2015 -

Vo filmoch je ho už vidno poskromne, naposledy prepožičal svoj hlas v animovanom filme štúdia Pixar AUTÁ. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest.
Alec Baldwin's filmography includes the year the film was/will be released, the name of his character and other related notes.There is also a list of his appearances on TV series, video games and documentaries, as well as stage.