It features 44 tracks from the show spread across two CDs. Deutschland 86 - Original Soundtack is the soundtrack album released to accompany the TV series Deutschland 86. BWV 225 Title Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied Genre motets Year Between June 1726 and April 1727 City Leipzig Lyricist Unknown lyricist. Ich ohne dich: Me without you: Ich ohne dich: Me without you : Feuer, Wind und Wasser hab' ich hinter mir: Fire, wind and water, that's what I went through: Ich bin weit gegangen auf dem Weg zu dir: I've been walking far on the way to you: Sonne, Mond und Sterne sagen mir nicht viel: The sun, the moon and the stars don't tell me much Ohne dich fühle ich mich zerbrochen Als ob ich die Hälfte eines Ganzen wäre Ohne dich habe ich keine Hand zum Festhalten Ohne dich fühle ich mich zerrissen Wie ein Segel im Sturm Ohne dich bin ich nur ein trauriges Lied Du bist die perfekte Melodie, die einzige Harmonie die …
Rammstein's lyrics are rarely simple and cannot be perfectly translated. View entire discussion (7. comments) More posts from the audiophilemusic community. 1 year ago. The footnotes should give you better idea of what is expressed the original text. I’ll have to check it out! They include information about double meanings and the inspirations of some tracks as well as anything else needed. Composed of Psalm 149:1-3, Psalm 150:2, 6 and verse 3 and 4 from Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren from Johann Gramann
Rammstein's lyrics are rarely simple and cannot be perfectly translated. View entire discussion (7. comments) More posts from the audiophilemusic community. 1 year ago. The footnotes should give you better idea of what is expressed the original text. I’ll have to check it out! They include information about double meanings and the inspirations of some tracks as well as anything else needed. Composed of Psalm 149:1-3, Psalm 150:2, 6 and verse 3 and 4 from Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren from Johann Gramann