I usually get up at 7 o'clock. Present simple questions.

Level: beginner.

called, played, arrived). Regular past simple verbs have -ed at the end (e.g.

Does Jack play football?

During the week I have swimming practice on Mondays, I do taekwondo on Tuesdays and tennis on Thursdays.

Here we are looking at it as a main verb.

First, your sentence 'i can't describe how amazed i feel last night' is grammatically incorrect -- the verb 'feel' needs to be in a past tense ('felt'). After the verb to be we use an adjective phrase, a noun phrase, a preposition phrase or an adverb phrase.

These games can help them to practice. Irregular verbs have a different form, usually with a different vowel sound (e.g. Look at these questions: Do you play the piano? Present simple. The present tense is the base form of the verb: I work in London. We use the present simple to talk about things which are repeated every day, every week, every year, etc.

Yes, of course. Here we are looking at it as a main verb. Then do these exercises to check your understanding of past simple regular verbs.

Home » English Grammar » Verbs » Present tense.

Where do you live? To be is used as an auxiliary verb, to form continuous tenses and the passive, and as a main verb. Where does he come from?

Our children are learning about the verb To Be in the past tense.

Enjoy! Second, if you looked these adjectives up the dictionary, you'd see that you can say both 'I am amazing' and 'I am amazed'. Grammar videos: The past simple – regular verbs – exercises Watch the video on our website and read the conversation between Sophie and Yu Quan. We always go … There are two issues here. wake → woke , break → broke , feel → felt ).

Yesterday, I learn about the grammar and a new verbs, Also a new skills in reading and talking, Such as the voice when we said a word how we spell it and write it, Also I learn a new skills in the vocab, regular verbs and grammar. But with the third person singular (she/he/it), we add an –s: She works in London.