Welcome! www.graduateacademy.uni-heidelberg.de For citations of this document, please do not use the address displayed in the URL prompt of the browser. To get you started, we offer introductions how to use the library. General introduction. Dr. Jörg Kraus Dr. Jörg Kraus ist Leiter der Abteilung Wissensaustausch und Veranstaltungsmanagement.

Universität Heidelberg, Februar – März 2005, 2 (with Breitling, F. and Zimmermann, J. : “Leseunlust und Lesezapping. Lecture and discussion with Dr. Inga Beck, Universität Heidelberg, Institute of Geography . Seit März 2010 im Forschungsdezernat Projektmanager und Ansprechpartner im Bereich der Geisteswissenschaften. New at the University Library? 30 November 2015, 4:00 p.m. Institute of Psychology, Hauptstraße 47-51, Lecture Hall 2 Im Anthropozän macht eine Wissenschaft der Ökologie ohne Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften keinen Sinn mehr The project runs within the research line "Wechselwirkungen zwischen Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften" (Interactions of Natural Sciences and Humanities). Here we show you the building, provide an overview of our holdings and services as well as helpful tips for your literature search (registration required). It has been a while that I did my Masters at Heidelberg Uni, and this information may already be dated, however as others have outlined it depends first on what subject you study and if you are used to studying in Germany. Summer semester 2020; Title Lecturer Location Notice ; Deep Vision, Lecture : Ommer : INF 205 / Lecture Hall (HS) (Ground Floor) The research project "3D-Sutren" (3D Sutras) was launched in 2008 and is a collaborative, interdisciplinary project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) of Germany. Ergebnisse einer Befragung von Studierenden der Geisteswissenschaften”, Forschung und Lehre 8, 2005, 420 "French Sources in Huloets Dictionarie (1572): Mathurin Cordier", Studia Neophilologica 89,1, 2017, 115-132 Instead, please cite with one of the following: