You don't know the answer, d. …didn't he? Paso 2: en seguida debes recordar que tu tag question debe ir en el sentido opuesto de tu frase inicial. Modals (can, could, should, would, must): You can swim, can’t you? Discussion. Test yourself with our free English language quiz about 'Question Tags'. …have they? Log in or register to post comments; 19x . So if you need a list of awesome questions that helps you know more about someone, you won't find something better these questions! If this is an auxiliary verb (‘ have ’, ‘ be ’) then the question tag is made with the auxiliary verb. The chairman's coming at 3.00, i s n 't he? up.

This isn’t working, is it? That's my coat, c. …doesn't she? 1 user has voted.
They’ve gone away for a few days, haven’t they? 3. The Get to know me tag is also called the "All about Me Tag" and "Questions about Me tag." 1. 12x . De regel is als volgt. / Puedes nadar, ¿verdad? Here is Audio Word Study # 119 from Jane Lawson at Special Uses of Question Tags. 20x . Question tag.

As I explained the general rule is t hat a negative question is followed by a positive tag, and vice versa. The question tag uses the same verb as the main part of the sentence. He is good, isn't he? Vb. 2. He had met him before, hadn’t he? Is de hoofdzin ontkennend dan is de tag bevestigend. They weren’t here, were they? It is a series of questions you have to answer about yourself. It's a nice day today, i s n 't it? The question tag are words added at the end of the speech to affirm something; in our language this is not used except for some special cases such as in poems. Verb: Questions › question tags. 1.

Past perfect (had): We had already studied this topic, hadn’t we? This is a free intermediate English grammar quiz and esl worksheet. Had better - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary De question tag (ook wel aangeplakte vraag of tag genoemd) gebruik je in het Nederlands als je hè, toch of nietwaar gebruikt.
He talked and talked about the same topic for hours, b. Other languages don't really have question tags, do they? No sign-up required. Comments. Is de hoofdzin bevestigend dan is de tag ontkennend. Grammar Challenge – Question tags Exercise 1: Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings. If the tag is a real question it has a rising intonation. gio_cra2004 24 March, 2020 - 14:38. 4. / Ya habíamos estudiado este tema, ¿no? In my last blog, I t aught you about how to use auxiliary verbs in question tags. It is also great Q and A material. ! 5. I was looking forward to that film, but it was a load of rubbish, a. …isn't it? If the tag is not a real question it has a flat or falling intonation.