You can find the current advice & support slots in our opening hours calendar.

TU Wien; Faculty ETIT; English. Oktober im Festsaal der TU Wien.

2. He is a Management Committee Member of ACROSS - ICT COST Action project IC1304: Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services.

Log in; Corona Update: ICT Lectures . Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik - TU Wien, Wien, Austria.

Please keep yourself informed about news from the individual lectures! Online Advice & Support Sessions. The ICT Lectures will be handled as follows: 350.002 VU Orientierung ETIT Rescheduling after 16.4. Oktober 2019 Allgemein. Die TU Wien ist ein lebendiger Ort des Wissensaustausches und der Lernbegierde.

2004- Permanent member of the committee for studies in Business Informatics (Wirtschaftsinformatik) of TU Wien ("Mittelbau"-Vertreter) 2003- IT-coordinator, sys- and webadmin of the Research Group Economics/IMME Dann sind Sie ein prägender Teil unserer Alma Mater! Deutsch; Internal Area. 1K likes.

After the talks you can get in touch with the speakers while enjoying a free buffet.. when 20 March 2019 – 18:30 where Lecture room EI 7, TU Wien We offer our advice & sessions also during the current time. From 2006-2012, Prof. Dustdar was on the management board of the Association of the alumni of the TU Wien. 856 likes.

Registrierung und weitere Details gibt’s hier. New Course: Digital Humanism. What’s On. Join via Discord.

You get the chance to listen to exciting IT topics you wouldn’t normally hear about in your lectures. Click on the button bellow to join the Discord server. Leben Sie Ihre Leidenschaft für Technik und Naturwissenschaften und bringen Sie sich mit Interesse und Neugier ein. Fachschaft Wirtschaftsinformatik und Data Science, Vienna, Austria.

At IT-Talk we want to bring you interesting speakers from the industry and science to TU Wien! Following the successful Workshop on Digital Humanism with its Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism in April, there is a new course: Digital Humanism. We can help you via Voice Chat if you join our Discord server.

From Monday, March 16, 2020 all exams (written and oral) on the premises of the TU are CANCELED!