Ismoil Somoni Peak (Tajik: Қуллаи Исмоили Сомонӣ, Qullai Ismoili Somonī; Russian: пик Исмаила Самани pik Ismaila Samani) is the highest mountain in Tajikistan and in the former Russian Empire and later in the Soviet Union, named after Ismail Samani, the greatest ruler of the Samanid dynasty.. Name. Ismoil Somoni Peak (Tajik: Қуллаи Исмоили Сомонӣ, Qullai Ismoili Somonī; Russian: пик Исмаила Самани pik Ismaila Samani) is the highest mountain in Tajikistan and in the former Russian Empire and later in the Soviet Union, named after Ismail Samani, the ancestor of the Samanid dynasty. Li monte portat inter li annu 1932 e 1962 li nómine Pic Stalin e inter 1962 e 1998 Pic Comunisme. Ismoil Somoni Peak, Pik Kommunisma,Pik Garmo,Pik Stalin, Tajikistan, PAMIRS, Akademii Nauk, Eugeny Abalakov, Nikolay Gorbunov, Samanid dynasty, Li Pic Ismoil Somoni es li quaresim max alt monte del Pamir-montania. Nach der "Korzhe"-Besteigung sind wir optimal akklimatisiert, um den den Peak Kommunismus zu besteigen. Communism Peak is the highest peak on the territory of former USSR; very impressive and well-known one, that is located in the Northern-West part of Pamir.
It es parte del Pamir-montania e have un altore de 7495 metres. Route: Vom Moskvina Basislager erreicht man schnell das … Der weitgehend bei uns als Peak Kommunismus bekannte Berg besitzt einen anspruchsvollen Anstieg, der am Taktik, bergsteigerische Technik und Kondition einiges voraussetzt. The peak was discovered in 1928, during Soviet-German scientific expedition and at first till 1962 was called Stalin peak, then it was renamed as Communism Peak. Pik Ismoil Somoni Besteigung. Li Pik Ismoil Somoni es li max alt monte de Tadjikistan.