Indian Religions India is a land of diversities.

Wankan Tanka.
They believed that human beings, like the buffalo and other animals, were created from the Mother Earth. Religious Beleifs. The major religions of India are Hinduism (majority religion), Islam (largest minority religion), Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism and the Bahá'í Faith. Indian Religion and Spirituality Religion in India is the foundation for most areas of life for individuals and families.

Some customs are so important for the people that sometimes, they sacrifice their lives for them. Human civilization is incomplete without them. Humans and nature were one. This diversity is also visible in the spheres of religion. Diese Tradition in Indien ist ein wichtiger kultureller Brauch, der unabhängig von der Religion angewandt wird und bei dem Hände, Arme, Füße, Knöchel und Zehen kunstvoll verziert werden. Dabei hat die Kunst des Mehndi eine lange Geschichte, die in Indien auf das 12. Mainly, people living in villages in India are very conscious regarding these.

More than 80 percent of Indians are Hindus and over 13 percent are Muslims. To the Sioux, religion was not separate from everyday life. As Hinduism is the oldest religion on the earth, there are a lot of Hindu customs and traditions observed in India. There was no clear distinction between the natural and the supernatural.

Jahrhundert zurückgeht.