német ötvösmester, feltaláló. Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg (war-dro 1400 - 3 a viz C'hwevrer 1468) a oa un orfebour hag un ijinour alaman.Brudet eo evit bezañ ijinet ar moullañ dre arouezennoù lem-laka en Europa.. Liammoù diavaez. Mirdi Gutenberg; Notennoù

Project Gutenberg (PG) is a volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works, to "encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks". Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg (Mainz, 1400 k. – Mainz, 1468. február 3.) A invenção da prensa móvel. The University of Mainz (full name Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) (German: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) is a public research university in Mainz, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany, named after the printer Johannes Gutenberg since 1946. Johannes Gensfleisch, zvaný Gutenberg (* cca 1400, Mainz kraj Rheinhessen-Pfalz– † 3. február 1468, Mainz), bol nemecký kovorytec a vynálezca.Preslávili ho najmä vynálezy a inovácie v oblasti mechanickej kníhtlače.. Životopis. Hänet tunnetaan ensimmäisen kirjapainotaidon kehittämisestä ja ensimmäisen kirjapainon perustamisesta Peter Schöfferin ja liikemies Johannes Fustin kanssa 1400-luvun puolivälissä. Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg (more commonly known as Johannes Gutenberg) (1390s – 3 February 1468), was a German metal-worker and inventor.He is famous for his work in printing in the 1450s, and is specifically known for inventing typography.. Gutenberg was born in Mainz, Germany, as the son of a merchant, Friele Gensfleisch zur Laden. Páginas na categoria "Johannes Gutenberg" Esta categoria contém as seguintes 6 páginas (de um total de 6). The Gutenberg Bible (also known as the 42-line Bible, the Mazarin Bible or the B42) was among the earliest major books printed using mass-produced movable metal type in Europe. It marked the start of the "Gutenberg Revolution" and the age of printed books in the West.The book is valued and revered for its high aesthetic and artistic qualities as well as its historic significance. A prensa de tipos móveis foi inventada pelo alemão Johannes Gutenberg por volta de 1450, com base nas prensas de vinhos. Narodil sa ako syn kupca Friela Gensfleischa zur Ladena (ďalšie meno zum Gutenberg jeho otec prijal podľa miesta, kde neskoršie žil).

A mozgatható betűelemekkel való könyvnyomtatás, a betűfém, a kézi öntőkészülék, a nyomdafesték, a szedő-sorjázó vagy más néven szedővas (winkel), a kézisajtó és a festékező labdacs európai feltalálója. With approximately 32,000 students (2018) in about 100 schools and clinics, it is among the largest universities in Germany. It was founded in 1971 by American writer Michael S. Hart and is the oldest digital library. Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg (1398 Mainz – 3. helmikuuta 1468 Mainz) oli saksalainen metallityömies ja keksijä.