ISOfix was introduced around 1998-1999, so cars from before that date won't have it. It takes less than 30 seconds to see what all the fuss is about with ISOFIX child seats, and why some people have been campaigning for years for them to be made legal in Australia. For Group 2/3 seats there is a system called Isofit which anchors the seat to the vehicle so it cannot slide around when not in use. 6th July 2014, 17:46 #2. Locate the Isofix points in your car by checking your car's handbook and looking for the Isofix label on the rear seats. Yes you can, provided Mazda sell the Isofix anchorage points as a spare part. Cars from after that date will generally include it from the next major model change. Contributing Journalist.

The center-to-center distance between the anchors of Isofix (and also LATCH) systems is 280 mm. We know from our research, as well as fitting checks carried out by car seat safety organisations such as Good Egg Safety and Child Seat Safety, that parents and retailers regularly make errors when … Isofix Base ­­- Car Fitting List Select the first letter of your vehicle model A B C D F H vehicle model I J K L M N O P year in production R S T seat position Isofix cars have Isofix slots hidden behind the rear seats, in the joint between the back of the seat and the seat cushion. Isofix is designed to make installing a car seat for your baby or child quick and easy.

Mentioned 1 Post(s) Tagged 0 Thread(s) Vehicle : Vectra Trim : Sri Engine : 2.2 direct Year : 2004. Isofix is designed to secure a maximum combined weight (comprising both seat and child) of 33kg.

Might require a base. 9 Feb 2015 • 5 min read. Isofit. It just happens that Volvo do sell them on their own. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Blog Entries Regular Member Join Date Jun 2012 Location Wickford. ISOFIX restraints provide a firmer hold compared to seatbelt-restrained car seats.

Some cars have a third Isofix attachment point, for a top tether, behind the rear seat to stop the child seat tipping forward in an accident. We retro-fitted Isofix to our S reg Volvo V40 just before DS was born and it had been brilliant. Seat beltUse just a seat belt.

Mr Owens. There little … IsoFixAnchore points in the car. I am not sureWe’ll pick best one for you. Safest solution. ISOFIX in a Signum? Does the Signum have ISOFIX on all seats and if they do what am I looking for? I believe the first brands to introduce it were Vauxhall/Opel, Renault, Volvo, Saab and Mercedes-Benz. Post Thanks / Like .