IKEA - SKUBB, Rangement tissu, blanc, Les trois boîtes s'intègrent côte à côte dans une structure d'armoire de 100 cm de large. Facile à tirer grâce à la poignée. SKUBB Bak, wit, 31x55x33 cm. 31x34x33 公分 ... IKEA of Sweden. When you don’t need the box and want to save space, simply open the zipper in …

如果你的衣櫃或是抽屜櫃打開總是一團亂,SKUBB收納系列就是你的絕佳救星! 你可能喜歡 SKUBB 系列? Eén bak voor sokken, een andere voor sportkleding of opgevouwen truien. Lorsque vous n'utilisez pas la boîte et que vous voulez gagner de l'espace, ouvrez la fermeture dans le fond et applatissez la boîte. When you don’t need the box and want to save space, simply open the zipper in the bottom and fold it flat. Easy to pull out as the box has a handle. When you don’t need the box and want to save space, simply open the zipper in the bottom and fold it flat. When you don’t need the box and want to save space, simply open the zipper in the bottom and fold it flat. Easy to pull out as the box has a handle. IKEA - SKUBB, Box , All three boxes fit side by side in a 100 cm wide wardrobe frame.Easy to pull out as the box has a handle.When you don’t need the box and want to save space, simply open the zipper in the bottom and fold it flat. All three boxes fit side by side in a 100 cm wide wardrobe frame. Key features Easy to pull out as the box has a handle. ... 聯絡我們 歡迎聯絡我們.

Dimensioned for PAX wardrobe frame depth 58 cm. De bakken helpen de ruimte in te delen en de ruimte optimaal te benutten. February 2020. ІКЕА,IKEA,ІКЕЯ,Коробка, чорний, 31x55x33 см,002.903.68, 00290368 Key features All three boxes fit side by side in a 100 cm wide wardrobe frame. Easy to pull out as the box has a handle. All three boxes fit side by side in a 100 cm wide wardrobe frame. IKEA - SKUBB 思库布, 盒, 白色, 3个储物盒可以并排放在宽100cm的衣柜框架中。 储物盒带拉手,方便拉出。 如果不需要储物箱又想节省空间,只需拉开底部的拉链,把它折叠起来即可。 尺寸适用于“帕克思” … 尺寸 31x55x33 公分. SKUBB Bak, wit, 31x55x33 cm - IKEA. IKEA - SKUBB, Box, white, All three boxes fit side by side in a 100 cm wide wardrobe frame.