Collaborate: Ultra Experience. Blackboard Collaborate is a real-time video conferencing tool that lets you add files, share applications, and use a virtual whiteboard to interact. What type of help are you looking for? With a modern, intuitive, fully responsive interface, Blackboard Learn™ delivers a simpler, more powerful teaching and learning experience that goes beyond … Collaborate Ultra Help for Moderators A special note from Product Management on COVID-19: The team has been taking several pre-emptive infrastructure measures to help prepare for significantly increased traffic as a growing number of schools move to fully online courses.

The shutdown of the University in 2016 contributed to increased use of Collaborate.
In Blackboard Collaborate Ultra a unique session link is generated to help each session identify you. You are not able to use the link to join session again or share your link with another user. Blackboard Collaborate TM is a simple, convenient, and reliable web conferencing solution built for education and training. Collaborate…  Recording links … “Collaborate Ultra made online teaching and learning much easier. Meet with your instructor or classmates online using a completely web-based interface. Watch a video tour. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra : Features and Benefits Continued No limit on number of recordings  Recordings do not reduce course storage space. Thanks to robust collaboration and conference tools, everyone feels like they're in the same room together, regardless of their location or device. This means that the link only works for you in that moment. Blackboard Collaborate Help. What version are you using? Collaborate with the Ultra experience opens right in your browser, so you don't have to install any software to join a session.

Video: Blackboard Collaborate with the Ultra experience user interface tour shows you Blackboard Collaborate with the Ultra experience in action.

Not a current Collaborate user? Each link is associated with an individual session and a specific user in that session. Engage with the material and your instructor. Norfolk State University saw an increase in student enrollment, graduation and retention rates as a result of delivering real-time sharing of information, improving institutional accountability and creating an ongoing presence by leveraging its investment in Blackboard Collaborate. Recording and playback of sessions was easy, and it integrates seamlessly with the new Blackboard Student application.