Of course, like everything else in the MCU, things can change any moment. Avengers 5 trailer: When will we see an Avengers 5 trailer? However, we know that Marvel Studios has reserved at … Avengers: Koniec gry (ang. Avengers: Endgame) – amerykański fantastycznonaukowy film akcji na podstawie serii komiksów o grupie superbohaterów o tej samej nazwie wydawnictwa Marvel Comics.Za reżyserię odpowiadają bracia Anthony i Joe Russo, a za scenariusz Christopher Markus i Stephen McFeely.W rolach głównych występują: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris … What Is the Avengers 5 Release Date?.

Considering the movie hasn't even been confirmed, let alone started filming, a trailer for Avengers 5 is a long time away. Tags: Avengers 5, Avengers: Endgame, MCU, X-Men Chris Smith started writing about gadgets as a hobby, and before he knew it he was sharing his views on tech stuff with readers around the world. One strong possibility may be Avengers 5: Secret Invasion. Sorry about that. 3 odpowiedzi na “Bracia Russo nakręcą Avengers 5, jeśli Marvel zgodzi się na Secret Wars. As it stands, Avengers 5 is yet to be officially confirmed by Marvel. Avengers 5 doesn’t have a release date yet, but we do think it’ll probably happen during Phase Five. Przypominamy, co działo się w tej serii” Komentator Wszystkiego pisze: Grudzień 1, 2018 o 2:08 pm Myślę, że lepiej było zakończyć Avengers i przejść do Young Avengers. New characters and titles could be introduced in Phase 5, pushing Avengers 5 to Phase 6 and the X-Men beyond that. Even though it hasn’t been given a projected release date, Avengers 5 will happen, but fans will have to wait more than they would like to meet the new roster. If we assume that Marvel isn’t hiding any releases in its Phase 4 calendar, then you can probably expect Avengers 5 to arrive in 2022 or later. However, given that Marvel are currently scheduled to put out nine films between 2020 and 2022, it seems likely that Avengers 5 will be one of them. A Skrull takeover was teased at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home , and that would certainly be a …