WD8DAS 630-Meter Band Operations Steve WD8DAS operated Experimental Station WH2XHY in the 630-meter band (472-479 kHz). Kevin Loughin 7,075 views. 630m Band Exploration Latest Updates: April 11, 2019: A serious amplifier for 630 Meters. Die Weltfunkkonferenz 2012 (WRC-12) hat dem Amateurfunkdienst ab dem 1. July 2018: New. folded monopole, 80M unipole, 630M Station, 630 Meters, 630M Vertical antenna, Unipole antenna, 630 Meter Power Amp THE ARRL 600 METER EXPERIMENTAL GROUP.
The 630 meter (or 600 meter) amateur radio band is a frequency band allocated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to amateur radio operators, and it ranges from 472 to 479 kHz, or equivalently 625.9 to 635.1 meters wavelength.It was formally allocated to amateurs at the 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12). You may have heard some bits and pieces about operating here over the past year, or two. TVTR1 630m Transverter transceiver 630m Transverter datasheet.pdf. 630-Meter-Amateurband.
You, too, can work 630 meters (WD8DAS) The missing link. Feel free to contact .
June 17, 2016: 630 Transverter. Broken links can be reported to the same e-mail address. Ham Radio - 630 meter band RX magloop in a hula hoop - Duration: 22:16. The 630 meter band (VO1NO) The ARRL 600 meter Experimental Group (W5JGV et al.) 36) An Antenna for 630 to 10 Meters March 2017. This web site was updated on 31 March 2017 at 0120 UTC. Construction takes around 6 hours to fully built and test. The Monitor Sensors 630m Transverter enables any Amateur Radio Station, equipped with a conventional HF transceiver, immediate, all mode, access to the new 472-479 kHz, 630m band. *: Can be used for 630 m as well. “Hi all. On 27 March 2017, as part of Report and Order FCC 17-33, the FCC adopted the final rules for the USA 630-Meter band. My 630 M Transverter. This project was part of an effort to demonstrate that ham operation using practical rigs and suburban antennas would work on this band. Making a Bladeless Wooden Fan - Scrapwood Challenge ep38 - … Das 630-Meter-Band ist damit – nach dem 160-Meter-Band – das zweite Amateurfunkband Author: Hansen, Markus, VE7CA The complete high performance 472 to 479kHz ( 630m Band ) Transverter Kit makes it very easy to get onto the 630m band especially with weak signal digital modes, but being linear it will work with all modes including SSB if it is allowed in your country. Do you know one or more links that should be in the above list? There have been some attempts to use commercial amateur transceivers to produce transmit RF at these frequencies but due to the 630 meter band being less than 1/3rd the frequency of 160 meters, the filtering and circuitry within simply isn't designed for this - and that's if you can even get around the radio's inhibition to transmit outside its designed frequency range! USA AMATEURS GRANTED 630-METER BAND!